
Ability to Form Words, Sentences Linked with Autism Spectrum Disorder Severity in Young Males with Fragile X

A greater ability to generate words, phrases and sentences correlates with lower autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptom severity in adolescent and young adult males with fragile X syndrome (FXS), according to a study. The research, “ASD Comorbidity in Fragile X Syndrome: Symptom Profile and Predictors of Symptom Severity in Adolescent and Young Adult…

Cognitive Function Affects Gait, Motor Function in FXTAS, Study Finds

Lower cognitive function affects gait and functional mobility in those with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a study has found. Linking quantitative gait assessment with neuropsychological tests may help explain the complex interplay between cognitive and motor function and history of falls in these patients. The study, “Cognitive function…