Marisa Wexler, MS,  senior science writer—

Marisa holds a Master of Science in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied novel genetic drivers of ovarian cancer. Her areas of expertise include cancer biology, immunology, and genetics, and she has worked as a science writing and communications intern for the Genetics Society of America.

Articles by Marisa Wexler

NNI-351 Earns Rare Pediatric Disease Designation From FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted rare pediatric disease designation to Neuronascent‘s investigational therapy NNI-351 for the treatment of fragile X syndrome (FXS). “With vast unmet need for novel therapies that can directly address pediatric FXS behavioral deficits, such as to improve education and social…

Study Supports Development of Preventive Treatments for FXTAS

In people with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), a condition related to fragile X syndrome that develops late in life, measures of dexterity and memory tend to worsen markedly over time, a new study shows. The results support the development of preventive treatments for FXTAS, according to its researchers.

Europe Awaits Proposed New Framework for Sharing Health Data

The European Commission is expected to propose a new governing framework for health data next month, called the European Health Data Space (EHDS), with the aim of connecting national health systems to facilitate secure and efficient transfer of data across systems in different European nations. The move is expected to…

New Blood Sample Methods Link IQ Scores, FMRP Protein Levels

A team led by researchers at Fulcrum Therapeutics has developed new methods to measure the FMRP protein in blood cells. Using these tests, the scientists showed that FMRP levels in blood cells were statistically associated with intelligence quotient (IQ) scores among people with fragile X syndrome. The study,…