Marisa Wexler, MS,  senior science writer—

Marisa holds a Master of Science in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh, where she studied novel genetic drivers of ovarian cancer. Her areas of expertise include cancer biology, immunology, and genetics, and she has worked as a science writing and communications intern for the Genetics Society of America.

Articles by Marisa Wexler

ADHD more likely in certain fragile X premutation carriers: Study

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more common among female carriers of a fragile X premutation who have more cell-to-cell variation in the number of mutational CCG repeats in the premutation, a new study reveals. Indeed, according to researchers, “the degree of [genetic] instability (expansion) was significantly higher … in participants…

Fragile X Caregivers Can Identify Anxiety, Study Shows

Caregivers can accurately recognize signs of anxiety in people with fragile X syndrome whose ability to articulate their emotional state is limited, a new study shows. “While most people with FXS [fragile X syndrome] cannot reliably describe their internal body or emotional states to support self-reported assessment procedures, the…

Children With Fragile X Struggle With Online School: Study

Many children with fragile X syndrome have had poorer academic performance, worsening mental health problems, and more difficulties with social interaction after the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a survey of parents. Problems were generally less severe among children who continued to be schooled in person and parents tended to…